Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Psychiatric Help and Therapy
PTSD is the onset of a specific set of symptoms in response to an extreme traumatic event in one's life. It is not necessary for the traumatic event to be perceived as extremely traumatic for everybody. This basically means that as we have different tolerance to pain, cold, heat and hunger we have a different tolerance for extreme traumatic events. The disease is gender-independent, affecting both men and women of all ages. The causes of post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as the events leading to it, are just as varied. PTSD in children and adults can result from trauma during childhood, such as children in abusive homes. Victims of rape, assault, or abuse can develop PTSD due to their traumatic experiences. Social workers, emergency service workers, members of the military, and many others' occupations also expose them to such traumatic events. How to Recognize PTSD: The signs and symptoms must continue for more than 30 days for a PTSD diagnosis. If these symptoms last ...